Streamline Swim Academy - Code Of Conduct
We as a Swimming Academy and individually as Teachers agree: –
To respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being. To treat everyone equally and never discriminate on any grounds.
To adhere to the Swim England Code of Ethics, Rules & Laws, Wavepower, Equality and Diversity policies.
To provide safe supervision of your child when swimming as far as possible within the limits of our control.
To treat all information of a personal nature about individuals as confidential.
To take all reasonable steps to establish a safe working environment.
To ensure that all teaching is appropriate for the age, ability and experience of the individual and that our work and the manner it is done are in keeping with the regular and approved practice of this sport.
To maintain our teaching, life-saving qualifications and professional development to ensure your child is with safe and experienced teachers, offering the best available knowledge.
To have up to date IOS or STA membership.
To be concerned primarily with the well-being, health and future of the individual swimmer and only secondarily with the optimisation of their performance.
To carry out General Duties as specified in the Swim Academy’s teacher and lifeguard service level agreement, to ensure the smooth running of the classes.
To respect the swimmers’ rights, wishes and feelings. To take all reasonable practical steps to protect the children from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment.
To complete regular safeguarding training in line with Swim England guidance. The child’s welfare is paramount and every child has the right to protection from abuse.
To encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
To always be publicly open when working with children. We will avoid situations where we as teachers and individual swimmers are completely unobserved.
That any manual support of the child will be provided openly.
To encourage an open environment i.e. no secrets.
To consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
To develop an appropriate working relationship with swimmers based on mutual trust and respect.
To never exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
To ensure any suspicions and allegations of safeguarding issues will be taken seriously, responded to swiftly and appropriately.
To run classes during school term time and to invoice customers by the term. Should lessons be cancelled due to weather and pool maintenance failures outside of our control, refunds will be given.
We ask that you as Parents & Swimmers agree with the following: –
Complete and return the Medical Information form as requested and provide details of any relevant health conditions/concerns. To report any changes in the state of your child’s health to the teacher prior to the lesson.
Ensure that the Swim Academy has up to date contact details as required.
Ensure that your child is prompt for their lessons and is well enough to participate fully in the lesson
Ensure that the swimmers have the appropriate swimwear and swimming hats with them. Hats must be worn at Clifton High School pool. Jewellery should not be worn in the water. The parent/guardian is responsible for the safe keeping of any valuables.
Children are expected to follow the instructions given by the Teacher(s) and comply with any safety regulations. No running or pushing is allowed. If children are considered to be disrupting the lesson of other children in the class, they will be put on the side for ‘time out’ and parents may be called to supervise them during this period.
To consistently display high standards of behaviour and report poor behaviour by others to an appropriate member of staff.
Swimmers should not enter the water unless directed to do so by the Teacher. Floats and swimming aids should only be used under the instruction and supervision of the Teacher.
No running is permitted on the premises. Children not swimming are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and must remain with them at all times, until called for their lesson. The School and Playgrounds are out of bounds and the parent/guardian will be held responsible for any damage to school property caused by the child in their care.
No shoes to be worn on poolside or changing rooms
As space is limited, the changing area should be vacated as quickly as possible and the number of spectators kept to a minimum.
The use of mobile phones and recording devices are not allowed on poolside or in the changing rooms in accordance with the HSS Safeguarding Policy.
To behave responsibly as a spectator during lessons and treat other customers and staff with due respect in accordance with the Swim Academy’s commitment to diversity and equality. To not use inappropriate language within the Swim Academy environment.
To support children and encourage them to enjoy their sport and to achieve to the best of their ability.
To respect the privacy of others, especially in the use of changing facilities. Parents should not be in the changing room while children are changing unless their child is of an age where help is required from parents (usually 7 or 8 years and below) or if the child requires additional specific assistance. The children needing parental assistance should be changed in the changing room relevant to the adult accompanying them.
Customers are requested not to bring buggies onto poolsides.
Ensure children are aware of the code of conduct.