
Streamline Swim Academy is committed to treating everyone equally regardless of their age, level of ability or disability, gender (including gender reassignment), marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or any other relevant characteristic.
The Swim Academy will ensure that equality is incorporated in all aspects of its activities and also recognises and adopts the principles of Sport England and the Swim England Equality & Diversity policy. (www.swimming.org/swimengland).
Teachers at Streamline have a responsibility not only to behave equitably themselves but they must also play an important role in promoting equitable behaviour among other participants of the lessons and in selecting appropriate ways of dealing with inequitable behaviour that may arise during the sessions.
It is the parent or carer’s responsibility to make the swim academy aware of any issues that may be a barrier to a child learning to swim. Any swimmers with medical conditions are made known to the Staff at the beginning of each term. The Staff will work together to devise a swimming programme that is achievable and challenging but which also reflects that swimmer’s abilities. Additional support either in or out of the water is provided when necessary and this is reviewed each term.
Due to the design of the swimming pools, difficulty of access into the water may limit the lessons available to some physically disabled swimmers. All swimmers’ needs can be discussed on an individual basis and the Swim Academy will endeavour to make swimming lessons available to all, providing safety requirements can be met.
The aim of this policy is to prevent accidents and occupational ill health by eliminating hazards, wherever possible, and by reducing those that remain to the lowest level reasonably practicable.
The Health and Safety Policy demonstrates that all members of the Swimming School have a part to play in making our workplace safe and healthy.
Streamline Swim Academy will, so far as reasonably practicable, take all steps necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its teachers, lifeguards and other persons in the pool area and will endeavour to conduct its affairs in such a way as to protect persons not under contract who may be affected by its undertaking.
Particular attention will be paid to the provision of:
safe systems of work.
arrangements for the safe use, handling and storage of equipment.
sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all affected people to contribute to their own health and safety and to avoid hazards.
a safe place to work with safe access and egress from it.
Ensuring contractors have up to date training in first aid, life-saving and resuscitation.
the awareness of the drugs and alcohol misuse
risk/hazard assessments for each pool.
Arrangements for the reporting of injuries and dangerous occurrences will be in accordance with RIDDOR 1995.
Swim Academy: Responsible for health, safety and safe working practices within the working environment, promoting best practice and ensuring that a safe system of work is employed.
Contractors: While at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their pupils and other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
Streamline Swim Academy accepts that, in extreme cases, physical action may be necessary to take a child away from a situation so as to stop personal injury either to the child, to other children, to an adult or to prevent damage to property.
It is the general policy of the Swim Academy to encourage good behaviour by following the rules and code of conduct stated for each pool and to develop each pupil’s understanding of acceptable behaviour and good self-control when working in an environment that could be a potential area of risk.
Should a child misbehave repeatedly the Teacher will explain why their behaviour is not acceptable and that if the pupil persists with this behaviour they will be taken away from the situation. This could mean sitting on the pool wall or poolside chair for a ’time out’. The pupil should be observed during this time in case there is any over-reaction. After the ‘time out’ period the child should be returned to the lesson and encouraged to do well so that any effort to conform may be rewarded by verbal praises. The teacher needs to reinforce signs of good, acceptable behaviour. No child should leave the pool or go home on a negative note and without the Teacher speaking to them positively.
If a child continues to be constantly disruptive the Teacher will speak to the parent asking for their support. The Teacher must also inform a partner, who will follow up the matter as soon as possible. After further consultation with the Teacher, various strategies may be used to help the child. In the unlikely event of poor behaviour continuing the child MAY be asked to leave the Swim Academy.
In addition to being aware of issues listed in the overall Health and Safety policy, contractors at Streamline Swim Academy are expected to take responsible care of themselves and to protect themselves from the following risks and hazards when working for the Swim Academy .
Possible areas for concern maybe divided into two sections: In the water and on poolside
Irritant properties of the water and swimming pool atmosphere causing rashes, inhalation injuries, respiratory problems, asthma and eye problems. (European respiratory Journal)
Damage to the voice
Infection from contaminated water
Verruca or other fungal infections
Physical injuries caused by a child grabbing at clothing or body
Sunlight and reflection flickering on the water
Irritant properties of the water and swimming pool atmosphere causing rashes, inhalation injuries, respiratory problems, asthma and eye problems. (European respiratory Journal
Damage to the voice
Slipping on tiles and pool surrounds
Vomit or blood spillages
Physical or verbal abuse from a customer
Hazards on poolside (buggies, baby seats, equipment etc) that may cause tripping up
Young children moving around poolside where teacher is walking
Sunlight and reflection flickering on the water
If possible shower before entering the water
Use the toilet before entering the water
Blow nose before entering the water
ATHLETE’S FOOT – persons with severe athlete’s foot should not be allowed in the swimming pool or surrounding area unless their feet are suitably covered
VERRUCAE – persons suffering from verrucae should wear a verruca sock
Anyone suffering from any type of stomach upset (diarrhoea or sickness) should not be allowed in the pool
Persons with any infected skin lesion should not be allowed in the pool
Persons with a discharging ear infection should not be allowed in the pool
A swimming hat should be worn by all bathers in order to protect the filter system at Clifton High School
No shoes are allowed top be worn at anyr pool, and must be left in the entrance
Customers are requested not to bring buggies onto poolside
Streamline Swim Academy aims:
To be aware of the inappropriate use of and misuse of drugs and alcohol.
To ensure that those we teach are not put at risk by anyone’s inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol.
To ensure that confidentiality is maintained and that employees have access to support and advice if they require assistance.
The following documents have been prepared in conjunction with:
Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies & Procedures (Wavepower 2016-19)
NSPCC (Child protection in sport unit)
These safeguarding procedures stem from the following principles:
The child’s welfare is the first consideration. Services should be based on an understanding of children’s needs and views.
All children and adults have the right to stay safe and be protected from abuse.
Swimming and aquatics is and should remain, accessible to all, regardless of age, gender, faith or religion, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, background, economic position, disability or level of ability.
Streamline Swim Academy seeks to provide a safe, secure and positive environment in which children and adults can learn to swim and develop their full aquatic potential.
The Swim Academy is committed to a value system within which children and adults are entitled to be treated with respect and understanding so that they may participate in any activity without fear of intimidation. Any behaviour which undermines this is unacceptable.
The Swim Academy seeks to ensure that those acting on behalf of the Swim Academy actively listen to children and act appropriately on information received in order to ensure that a safe, secure and positive outcome is provided.
All children have a right to feel secure: to be able to trust without fear, and to expect protection from adults in positions of care and responsibility. They also have a right to take part in activities in an environment that does not subject them to cruelty or create unhappiness.
Streamline Swim Academy will promote the positive aspects of sport and never condone the use of inappropriate or abusive language, inappropriate relationships, bullying, harassment, discrimination or physical violence.
The Swim Academy will respect the spirit of sport adhering to the rules and laws in and out of the pool, incorporating the concept of friendship and respect for others.
All bullying is unacceptable. All victims of bullying will be treated in a supportive manner. Bullying may be defined as the intentional abuse by power of an individual or group with the intent and motivation to cause distress to another individual or group. It may be physical, sexual, verbal, racial, emotional, psychological, digital (on-line) or based on ‘difference’ in nature. It may occur frequently or infrequently, regularly or irregularly, but it will be taken seriously even if it has only occurred on one occasion.
Streamline Swim Academy’s policy is in line with the principles of Wavepower, however, contractors are advised to read Wavepower for more in-depth legal information.
Applicants for work within the Swim Academy, will be interviewed before an appointment is made and Streamine will obtain a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check for all staff.
Streamline Swim Academy complies with the Swim England Code of Ethics and Safeguarding Procedures (Wavepower). All contractors must adhere to Wavepower and the following policies: Swim England Anti-doping rules, Equity policy, Laws and regulations, Codes of conduct.
Details of all Swim England policies are available on the Swim England website: www.swimming.org/swimengland.
Contractors must provide copies of all their Swimming Teaching/ Lifeguarding certificates as appropriate.
Teacher Rescue and Lifesaving qualifications must be updated regularly and certificates provided.
All contractors are responsible for updating their Child Safeguarding and Protection training every three years.
All contractors are aware of the Streamline Swim Academy Codes of Conduct.
All organisations and individuals have a duty of care to safeguard children when they are participating in their activities.
Contractors must ensure all concerns of a child safeguarding nature are referred in accordance with the Swim Academy’s policy and Wavepower.
Contractors must conduct themselves in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect their own safety and the safety of others.
Contractors are expected to promote the reputation of the sport and never behave, encourage or condone others to behave in a manner that is liable to bring the sport into disrepute.
No adult will be left alone with individual children. If it is necessary to take a child aside to speak to them it will be done in full view of another member of the team.
The lay-out of the swimming pools allows for constant supervision of all children. However, should it be deemed necessary to enter the changing rooms with an individual child, that member of the team should seek support of another member of team, or a reliable adult.
Parents should not be in the changing room while children are changing unless their child is of an age where help is required from parents (usually 7 or 8 years and below) or if the child requires additional specific assistance.
Any person visiting the pools who is unknown to the team will be asked to identify themselves and which child they are accompanying. If this is not forthcoming or is unsatisfactory, they will then be asked to leave the premises.
Because of the nature of the sport of swimming, a team member may be the first to see signs of physical abuse or neglect. They are aware of the importance of listening to, rather than questioning, a child. No child who is freely recalling information or events will be stopped until they finish of their own accord. Team members will avoid asking leading questions or ones which could be construed as putting ideas into the child’s head. Contractors will never promise the child confidentiality but explain that it may be in their interest for information to be passed on to an appropriate adult.
A record of subsequent events will be kept, no matter how trivial they may seem at the time. Contractors will not promise the child confidentiality in any matter but will explain to the child that it may be in their interest for this information to be passed on to other appropriate contacts.
Contractors should not transport children to and from lessons. Parents should stay with their children at the pool but if a child is left at a pool at the end of the session, a member of the team will stay with the child until they are collected. The session supervisorl have a contact number for the parent. If the parent cannot be contacted and the emergency number has also been checked, the child should be asked if there is another family member who could be contacted. If no-one can be contacted, the local Police should be contacted to enquire about the best course of action.
Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later.
As advised by the Child Protection in Sport Unit, photography and the recording of any kind of images is not allowed during swimming sessions.
Under no circumstances will photography be permitted in the changing facilities or toilet areas of the pools. Increasingly, young people are at risk of images being taken of them and shared, most often by peers. Children should be made aware that it is a criminal offence to take, make, distribute (send), upload and/or possess any indecent image of a child (including those taken/possessed by other under 18 year olds).
In accordance with Swim England guide-lines any images taken by the Swim Academy for publicity purposes will be done with the written permission of the parent/guardian.
Any member of the team who suspects that a child may have been the subject of abuse will inform the partners of the Swim Academy immediately. All changes in a child’s behaviour or appearance will be recorded. All suspicions and investigations will be kept confidential.
Records will include the name, age and address of the child, the time and date of the report. Observations must be objective and without interpretation or comment. Whenever possible, the exact words spoken by the child will be recorded. The record must be signed and dated by the member of the team. The partners will approach the parent/guardian or Head Teacher if appropriate. The explanation given will determine whether the matter is referred to the Social Services for further help and advice.
If an allegation is made against a contractor at Streamline Swim Academy, they will meet with the partners as soon as possible. Details of the discussion will be recorded and dated. The Administrator will be informed within one day of the incident. If appropriate, action will follow in accordance with the Discipline & Grievance Procedures. If the allegation is against a partner, the incident should be reported to the Administrator. No contractor, apart from those appointed, should approach the parents/guardian of a child, Social Services or Head Teacher.
If a report is to be made to the authorities, the child’s parents/guardian will be informed at the same time as the report is made, unless a child makes a direct disclosure that they are being sexually abused. In this case, information would be passed to Social Services or the Police without informing the parents/guardian.
Where abuse at home is suspected Streamline Swim Academy will continue to welcome the child and family while investigations proceed. Confidential records will be shared with the family at the discretion of the Social Services with the proviso that the care and the safety of the child must always be of paramount importance. Streamline Swim Academy will do all in its power to support the child’s family and work with the Social Services department.
Streamline Swim Academy is only responsible for swimmers whilst they are in the water. The changing rooms are supervised by the parents and not the swim academy team. Siblings are requested to stay with their parents during the lessons. The Swim Academy is not responsible for any siblings not swimming.
Parents are expected to remain on poolside during their child’s lesson. Exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the partners of the swim academy.
If it was noticed that a child was no longer part of a class:
The parent and assistant would be consulted as to their whereabouts.
If the child was believed to be missing:
The pool would be cleared and the water checked.
The registers would be retaken and the children grouped outside while the teachers checked the building.
The changing rooms/toilets would be checked by the teacher in charge.
The child’s clothes would be checked by the parent and if still there, the child would be presumed to be still in the pool area. If gone, then the parent’s car and surrounding area would be searched and the hiring school alerted.
The teachers should organise a search using responsible adults to cover all areas. All those searching should report back to the supervisor of the session at a specific location and time.
The teach in charge should make a note of events, including a description of the missing child, what they were wearing and where they were last seen for the Police.
A report should go to the Police no later than 30 minutes after the young person’s disappearance is noted, even if the search is not complete.
During any procedure it is the teacher who is responsible for the children in the water. If an evacuation of the pool area is required the lifeguard or session supervisor will use the signing in/out book to ensure all pupils and spectators are accounted. They will liaise with the centre management on the appropriate action to be taken.
This policy follows the same procedure as for an emergency evacuation procedure.
All staff and customers should be aware of e-safety with regards to protecting children/young people within Streamline Swim Academy and the use of social networking or other on-line services.
Staff have mobile telephones on poolside for emergency use only.
Children attending lessons should be protected while they are within the care of the Swim Academy. Children on the poolside should be supervised by their parent/carer. It is the Academy policy that mobile phones are not used on the poolside and any photography or recording of images is only carried out in accordance with the Swim Academy’s Safeguarding policy. Parents of children playing with electronic devices on poolside must make their children aware that any recording or streaming of other people is not allowed.
No one is allowed to use mobile phones or recording equipment in the changing areas. Increasingly, young people are at risk of images being taken of them and shared, most often by peers. Children should be made aware that it is a criminal offence to take, make, distribute (send), upload and/or possess any indecent image of a child (including those taken/possessed by other under 18 year olds).
The Swim Academy will operate in line with the ASA’s code of ethics and within the law regarding how the Swim Academy uses information technology. Email addresses and mobile phone numbers of parents/carers are held with the permission of the adult to enable communication between the swim school and parents. Children will not be contacted directly.
Photographs and information appearing on the Swim Academy website and Facebook page are used in accordance with the Safeguarding policy. The Academy website and Facebook page are managed by Streamline Swim Academy partners who have carried out Safeguarding training.
All contractors should protect their privacy on-line and carefully consider to who they give access to their personal information on-line. There should be a clear differentiation between their personal and professional profiles.
Anyone in Streamline Swim Academy processing personal data must comply with the eight enforceable principles of good practice.
Data must be:
Fairly and lawfully processed.
Processed for limited purposes.
Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
Kept no longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
Not transferred without adequate protection.
Personal data covers both facts and opinions about the individual. It also includes information regarding the intentions of the data controller towards the individual, although in some limited circumstances exemptions will apply. With processing data it incorporates the concept of ‘obtaining’, ‘holding’ and ‘disclosing’.
Contractors are aware of the dangers of disclosing personal information and are trusted not to do so.
Once a customer ceases to belong to Streamline Swim Academy their personal data is removed from all computers, however, it is necessary for the company to keep some information for seven years for tax purposes.